Sunday, May 31, 2009

book reviewer - The Noticer

I honestly did not enjoy Andy Andrews' "The Noticer." I thought that the book was corny and predictable filled with characters that I could not relate to. Since I enjoy books with characters I can relate to and connect with, this book was difficult for me to really get into.

book review - in the footsteps of paul

Ken Duncan follows the travels of St. Paul as recorded in Acts. These travels of St. Paul are beautifully represented by Duncan’s photography. Accompanying Duncan’s beautiful and gentle photography are quotes from the Bible and narrations of Paul’s journey.
Paul’s journey comes from the past into the present as Duncan captures scenes of antiquity as well as scenes of the modern world where Paul walked. This book captures wonders of God as well as wonder of the ancient world.
As the reader looks at the photography and reads the words of Paul the man and Paul the Saint can be seen, heard and felt. I recommend this book for the beauty of its photography alone. Yet, the greatest aspect of this book is the wonder of its simplicity which reflects the life of Jesus through the words and teaching of St. Paul.